Our Mission
The Golden Kỳ Lân Youth Lion Dance of Lane County, Oregon is a new program that provides development opportunities for local Asian American and Pacific Islander youth. Through the active participation in the Asian cultural art of Lion Dance, youth learn leadership, responsibility, discipline, teamwork, respect, integrity, volunteerism, and the value of community. While the program has adult supervision and coordination, the senior members mentor and coach younger members that help them develop their cultural identities, confidence, and unique talents. The program runs year-long with the goal of becoming its own non-profit entity.
About Our Name
"Kỳ Lân" is a Vietnamese name for a mythical Chinese creature called “Qilin” (麒麟) that has the head of a dragon or tiger, mane of a lion, the hooves of an ox or horse, the tail of a lion or ox, scales of a fish, and it usually has one horn. The creature is an Asian unicorn that very much resembles the modern lion dance costume that many performers use today.
What is Lion Dance?
Lion dance is performed throughout the Lunar New Year, at business openings, weddings, and other special events to bring in good luck, fortune, and happiness. It is an important cultural tradition that is thought to have begun in China as long ago as 200 B.C.E. to drive away bad spirits. Today, many Asian cultures practice lion dance. The modern lion dance is a colorful, high energy, martial art, and acrobatic sport that wows audiences of all ages. A lion typically is comprised of two dancers who move in unison to bring the lion to life. There can be multiple lions appearing during a performance. A large round drum, cymbals, and a gong provide the instrumental music. Usually, there is also a Laughing Buddha dancer. Performing lion dance well requires teamwork, dedication, practice, and skill.
Tony Ngo, Head Coach
Kelly Vuong, Assistant Coach
David Tam
Jason Mak
Eugenia Su